Just a little bit about myself, I have always felt that I had an imagination that is busting through at the seams. This would happen at all times of the day and it all comes from playtime as a child. Inspiration would come from the cartoons I watched, or the comic books I read, or the video games I played, or the Lego sets I would build. I was very entertained by all of those things! But it was never enough to just be entertained by them. I had to make my own...
So I did! I would draw and draw and draw. I would make my own comic books and I would tell my own stories. I would draw in my room. I would draw in the car. I would draw at recess. In school, I would even go as far as to finish my classwork as fast as possible so that I had more class time to draw! And even though those early drawings will never see the light of day, that desire to create was always there! And would continue to develop even as I became too old for cartoons. (That's what people would tell me at least. Isn't that silly?)
I had the opportunity to study animation in college and now I have the opportunity to continue developing my skills by making cartoons that I hope people and children will enjoy just as much as I do. Even though I generally studied computer animation using Maya, I have recently started to learn how to animate with traditional pencil and paper animation. Now I try to animate with a little bit of both worlds!
This site is designed to display my personal projects, such as my short films and various animation tests that I make as I continue to learn my craft, as well as my latest character animation demo reel.
Thank you for taking the time to stop by! I hope we can journey through the land of animation together!